We understand it can be intimidating to walk into a church that you've never been to before. Our Savior Lutheran is a family of believers built on the rock solid foundation of God's word. Worship and God's Word are central to our faith and life. Come each Sunday morning at 10:15 am for an uplifting and relevant message focused on what God’s word means in our lives. Music and the arts serve to focus our attention on God’s grace and love.

There’s something for all ages at Our Savior. Sunday school and children’s choir serve our young ones. For teens and youth we offer an active youth group. The adults take part in choirs and Bible studies, in addition to many opportunities to serve one another and the Lord.

So, who are we?

  • We are a Biblical church giving God’s word first place in our faith and life.
  • We are a Lutheran church that proclaims forgiveness for all through Jesus Christ.
  • We are a Christian church that gathers to praise God, to be strengthened by his Word, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.

If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask us. You can call us any time at 205-677-8642, or just use the form on the right side of this page. You're invited to visit us Sunday mornings at 10:15am for worship. 



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We understand it can be intimidating to come to worship for the first time at a church you’ve never been to before. Here's a little information about what to expect.

When you come through our doors, you will be in our gathering area. Members and guests visit before entering the sanctuary for worship. 

Where to Sit?
Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.

What to wear?
Come as you are! You’ll find worshipers at Our Savior Lutheran wearing everything from suits to casual attire. We aren't worried about what you are wearing. 

What about the kids? 
Kids of all ages are welcome at Our Savior Lutheran. We encourage kids and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's word and sing his praise. A special children’s message is offered at each service. 

  • The pastor delivers a special children's message right before the sermon.
  • Speakers in the gathering area allow you to follow along with the service if you need to step out with your child.
  • After the children's message and during the sermon, young children are invited to "Children's Church" in our nursery for a Bible lesson and a craft.
  • We provide a staffed nursery to meet the needs of parents with small children.

Our service includes Bible readings, a sermon, a children’s message, prayers, and singing. The entire service is printed in the service folder you receive when you come in and each part of the service is clearly marked.

What about the offering?

The members of Our Savior Lutheran have joined together to carry out the Lord’s work here in Birmingham and around the world. Guests need not feel obligated to participate in the weekly offering that supports our ministry.